Perry Rogers- CEO of PRP/Film Producer/ Rep for Shaquille O'Neal

CEO of PRP/Film Producer/ Rep for Shaquille O'Neal

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Perry discusses how he got hooked with up with PGA Tour Player, Adam Scott. Early Perry vs Today’s Perry and how that differs. Being on several Board of Directors and how he not only balances those but enjoys them. Balancing his career and family and what’s upcoming for him in the future.

Perry was born and raised in Las Vegas and starts with growing up in Sin City. He explains how being in the smaller version on Vegas than it is today may have aided him to meeting his best childhood friend (Andre Agassi). We talk about what his father taught him being an owner of six TV stations, going to college in Washington D.C. and how he became the President of Agassi Enterprises. 

This led to meeting and representing Brook Shields which led him to the film industry and the story behind how he met Shaquille O’Neal and has handled all his business since. Perry tells the story of how he became part of an investment group that bought and sold the Golden Nugget in downtown Fremont St (Vegas) for a profit of 226% in less than two years and before the age of 36!

Perry discusses about how he was humbled once he got off the path, getting involved with Uncle Drew, This Magic Moment (30 for 30-ESPN) and are lawsuits just part of the job? Big Chicken is discussed and some great advice for young entrepreneurs! This is a MUST listen and needs to be shared!


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